Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pay It Forward -complete

In February I participated in a pay it forward where you were to make a hand made gift for three people who made comments on your blog for that post (within a year). Well they are finally done. Gayle, Adrienne, Holly and Natali. I did 4 because some wanted a gift but didn't want to participate in passing it on. If you haven't received yours you will soon. I just need an address from Adrienne. Send it to me by e-mail and I'll drop yours off to your house. But I won't visit because we've had sickness on and off at our house. They aren't much and I'm not very good but I did make them all by myself. I was going to post a picture but it's not working right now. If you're too curious I'll let you know what they are, they are furry scarves. Enjoy! I hope.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

10 years!!

Today, October 1st, 2009 , is our 10th wedding anniversary. Has it really been ten years? I love you so much Tom. Thank you for choosing me and sharing your life with me.

The enormous bouquet of flowers that I received from my great husband. They are beautiful, just look at the size of that vase so everything would fit.


A little while ago we got four wheelers. We have been taking them out every chance we get. On this trip we went with another family from our ward. They go a lot and are showing us some good places to go. The mountain is called Little Elk. We rode the four wheelers up and then we hiked down and back up the mountain. It was quite the work out but we had a really good time. I wasn't all for the four wheelers when we got them, but now I'm so glad we got them they are such fun for the whole family. I had taken my "cool" shirt off because I was so hot after carrying Elie up the mountain, Elie doesn't have a "cool" shirt because she's too little and Shaustia's is around her waist I think.


Here are our beautiful girls in their new Sunday dresses.

Elie riding the scooter in her butterfly Halloween costume with her "tenny" shoes on. She's so adorable!


Austin is playing soccer again. He took a couple of camps over the summer and has improved tons. He is so fun to watch, it makes me very proud to see him do so well and take the pushes and falls with bravery. He has had six games and made eight goals, at least one each game. Tom is his coach. We only have two more games and I'll be sad to have it be over. In the picture our team had just scored a goal, Austin is number 2 with his hands in the air.


Shaustia and Austin started school August 24th.

Elie loves to wave to them and blow them kisses as they go off to school. Here she's wearing Austin's sweatshirt because she so loves him and wants to do what he does.

Bear Lake

In mid August we took a trip to Bear Lake with Tom's brother Jon's family. It didn't start out as a very nice day but we stayed and it got nicer. The kids and the grown ups had a fun time.

Elie still has sand in her swimming suit.
Keaton's grin shows how he feels.

Elie bringing up the tail end of Keaton, Austin, Shaustia, and Jace.

The sand castle the Dad's built.