Monday, November 10, 2008


This year we all dressed up for Halloween. It was my first time dressing up since we got married. I was a princess, Tom was an evil jester, Eliana was a frog, Shaustia was a vampire cheerleader, Austin was Aniken, and for this picture Keaton was a doctor.

By the time it was trick or treating time Keaton had gone downstairs and found his dragon costume which he had planned on wearing. He just didn't want to go downstairs by himself so when Shaustia went with him he changed costumes.

This was our craft project for the day. The kids didn't have school on Halloween so we made things with play foam. They had a good time and got very creative.

Here is Elie dancing, she gets really crazy sometimes but of course I can never get that on video.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So last night we (the people of the United States) elected Mr. Barack Obama as our next President of the United States. If you ask Obama supporters why they did it they say it was because they wanted change. My question that none of them can seem to answer is - what kind of change are you looking for? Do you think Mr. Obama can swoop in and fix the economy just because he was the most different looking person from George W Bush that you could find? Do you think Mr. Obama is going to bring peace to the world and "bring our troops home" just because he won a popularity contest? These changes don't happen just because you voted for someone who talks pretty.

YOU have to do it! The people of the world have to do it. It is the beauty of the democratic nation that we live in. We the people. . . not you the President. If you want that then why don't we let him be King Obama and then he can do whatever he wants and you better hope he knows what he is doing because most kings don't do so well. It wasn't Bush that put the American economy in a depression. It was US. He allowed us to do it to ourselves but this crisis needs to lie squarely on our heads as the people of the United States. We need to learn how to not spend money. Live within our means. Stop borrowing like tomorrow isn't going to come.

It should be interesting to see what a Democratic government does to the nation. I am sure it will make some moves that most republicans would never dream of. Who knows maybe it will be good. I'm thinking that middle class workers are going to get hit hard to subsidize lazy poor people who won't work because they are "too good" for the jobs that are available. I find it interesting when children of rich people join the Democratic Party. Their parents 99% of the time are Republicans. Why? Because their parents had to scratch their way to the top. Work themselves to the bone to get to where they are and their children haven't had to do squat. They are given everything which is exactly why they become Democrats. They don't care if their parent's money is given to the poor because that money has no meaning to them. The poor people don't need more handouts. Why? Think of the word handout. It means these people are sitting there with their hand out expecting help instead of getting up and doing something for themselves. I met people in Russia who hadn't been paid in six months and yet they still weren't expecting the government to just give them money. They went out and found a craft or baked goods and sold them at an open air market. They grew their own food and made their money different ways until they could get paid. Americans are getting so lazy that they won't get the jobs that are available. Frankly the only thing the government should be handing out is money for educations. Pay someone to learn a craft - not to sit on their butts and wait for their next handout.

There will definitely be change. What people don't realize is that change can go both ways. Do you really think that America has hit rock bottom and the only change is going to be good? Have you looked at Russia or Iran lately? We have definitely NOT hit the bottom. So be careful when you hope for change. That my friends and fellow Americans can be a double edge sword.